A healing option: After radiation therapy for prostate cancer
By Tucson Medical Center

For men suffering from the side effects of radiation treatment for prostate cancer, TMC Wound Care Center has an option you may not have considered. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) can treat radiation-induced wounds known as cystitis.
“I never heard of it, but my wife actually researched it after I had radiation,” says Mr. B, a patient at the Wound Care Center. “It’s changed my life, because I have more energy and I don’t stay in bed as much.”
HBOT creates an oxygen-rich environment that helps to nourish and reverse tissue damage and promote healing. The air pressure is increased two to three times higher than normal air pressure, allowing your lungs to take in more oxygen.
“We have many success stories similar to Mr. B,” said Heather Jankowski, director of the TMC Wound Care Center. “With the progression of treatment for radiation cystitis and hyperbaric oxygen therapy we expect to see less bleeding and clotting with urination and some improvement in urinary discomfort.”
Jankowski said symptoms from radiation-induced cystitis is a complication from radiation therapy that may not develop for many years. HBOT has been successful in treating this otherwise difficult-to-treat complication and effectively reduces bleeding and inflammation in the bladder wall. It also promotes the growth of new blood vessels, which can improve blood flow to the affected area. HBOT also can help to reduce the risk of infection and improve bladder function.
“After I had had about 20 treatments, when he re-evaluated me, the doctor saw more healthy tissue,” Mr. B said. “I’ve seen the benefits and I feel better.”
Talk to your urologist if you think you’d be a candidate for HBOT to treat radiation-induced cystitis. Learn more about TMC Wound Care Center