Staying safe around desert animals
By Tucson Medical Center

Where the wild things are: Staying safe around desert animals
Let’s not forget the “wild” in wildlife when hiking a trail or spending time outdoors.
The Sonoran Desert is full of amazing creatures, but some encounters could turn dangerous if we are not careful.
Tucson is home to many snakes, including the rattlesnake. They try to avoid people, but it’s pretty common to cross paths with these venomous snakes out on the trails.
If you do see one:
Try to keep some distance between you and the snake. Do not move in for a closer look. Remember, the strike zone is about half of the snake’s length.
Instead, back up slowly
If you are bitten:
- Call 911 to get to an emergency department as soon as possible
- Stay calm and still to help slow the spread of venom
- Do not try to remove the venom yourself
- Remove jewelry and tight clothing before you start to swell
- Position yourself, if possible, so that the bite is at or below the level of your heart
Gila monster
This shy lizard is one of only three venomous lizards on Earth. They spend most of their time in underground burrows, but do come out occasionally to feed and soak up the sun. If you see one, leave it alone. They are venomous and their bite is painful. If it feels threatened, it will often hiss or back away slightly to warn you. If it still feels threatened, it can bite quickly. Once a Gila monster latches on, it doesn’t release its hold until it feels it is no longer in danger.
If you do get bitten on the hand or arm:
- Try to get the lizard’s feet on the ground by lowering down
- Pry its jaws open by using a strong stick or other device, but be sure the lizard has a good footing on the ground while you are prying it off
- Immobilize the bitten area below your heart and get to an emergency room
- Do not apply ice, a constriction bandage or a tourniquet
Mountain lion
Mountain lions range in size from 6 to 9 feet in length and can weigh 80-275 pounds. They are most often seen in desert mountain areas with broken terrain (think Sabino Canyon). They tend to like cliffs, steep slopes and brushy areas and are most active during dawn, dusk and evening hours. Mountain lions hunt smaller and larger animals such as desert bighorn sheep, deer, javelin, rabbits, cattle, small rodents, birds, reptiles and desert tortoises. If you encounter a mountain lion:
- Do not approach it
- Do not run past or from it (this makes them want to chase you)
- Do not bend over or crouch down
- Do these things instead:
- Remain calm
- Back away slowly while facing the animal
- If approached, make yourself appear larger and more aggressive by opening your jacket, raising your arms and throwing rocks or sticks. Speak loudly and slowly
If attacked:
- Fight back with whatever you have at hand without turning your back. Go for the eyes.
- Try to protect your head and neck and remain standing. Do NOT play dead.
Javelinas may look like wild pigs, but they are actually members of the peccary family, a group of hoofed mammals that originated in South America. They are common in central and southern Arizona. In fact, it’s not uncommon to see them walking down the streets of residential neighborhoods. While they can be aggressive and can damage your plants, the real danger lies in the animals they can attract such as coyotes and mountain lions, as those animals prey on javelinas.
If you do encounter one of these critters:
- Keep your distance
- Do not feed them
- If you have your dogs with you, try to turn around and go the other way
Coyotes sometimes hunt in small packs, so be aware of your surroundings, especially if you are out in the wilderness. They are most active at night and in the early morning hours. If there are any wandering through your area, you may hear their high-pitched yaps and various howls. They primarily eat mice, rats, ground squirrels, gophers and rabbits, but also eat insects, reptiles, fruits, birds and deer, however they’ve been known to attack domestic cats and dogs.
If you do encounter a coyote:
- Keep your cool and slowly back away, maintaining eye contact
- Don’t turn your back or run
- If you have a small dog with you, pick it up so it doesn’t run and keep your larger dog close.
- Raise your arms or hold a jacket or backpack over your head to make yourself look bigger
- Clap your hands and shout in a low voice